torstai 17. maaliskuuta 2016


So what I'm trying to do here is to get used to writing in English since tomorrow's the last opportunity to get that laudatur I've been chasing. I guess it's impossible for me to get it from any other subject, which is kinda sad of course though I know that only 5% of those who participate the matriculation examination will achieve what I'm hoping to achieve myself.

At the moment the stress I'm carrying around is huge. I've been trying to diminish it by different means but there's no change in sight. Characteristically I stress till the exam is over and then I stress until the next one's done. I can't help myself. Especially now when I know that the next week will be even worse since I have to take the math test on Wednesday. Why was I that stupid, I chose to took the exam in a subject that couldn't be less interesting to me. ''Maybe you'll need that approbatur one day!'' my brain probably screamed. Well, look at Mr. Stubb, he's one of our country's leaders and he got an approbatur of short math! I might take his place in the future. (Hopefully not.)

Let's talk about something nice rather than contemplate my future as a politician. I've got a pleasure to say that in under a month's time I'm going to visit London! I couldn't be more excited about that. I won the trip since I was one of the best betters in Finland in a competition. 

It's like I've been living in a bubble of some sort as I have never left Finland before. As for going to the airport and stuff, I'm completely lost with all that already in advance. I know I'm going to be all fine among the people I'm going to travel with but I get to be nervous, don't I? Another thing that I've been thinking besides all those practical problems is that what if the plane crashes? I mean I've been watching four seasons of Lost a couple of times under a few years so I know all the survival gimmicks. On the other hand, watching the smoke monster from TV is quite a different than actually running away from it. As witnessed, quite a few people ever succeeded in that. Also I'm not a good swimmer so if the plane crashed to the water, I'd be dead within a minute or less.

To continue from the only sane sentence in which I said that I'm going to London, I'd like to bring up that I'll get to see Tott.-ManU live! I mean, White Hart Lane isn't that big of a stadium but it's twice as big as the stadium in my hometown so I think it'll be worth seeing anyway. Besides, I've heard that the atmosphere on Tottenham's home games is amazing although it's the second smallest team in London if we're talking about the Premier League. I feel privileged as I get to see all that. I'm guite sure that the whole trip is a prize for me. Someone (Karma?) gave that to me as a present since I've been working so hard the last couple years. Likely it was just good luck that made this possible. At least that's what betting is; half about good luck, half about analyzing. 

Whoa, this post became a bit longer than I thought when I started! Well I guess I'll be fine tomorrow in the exam at least if I get to write about something that interests me even the slightest bit. Oh, there is still one thing that I wanted to speak of! How odd is it that these days Swedish has started to interrupt my English? Before that wasn't a problem but today I've gotten some difficulties with remembering the words I used to remember with ease. For instance, I was playing Quizlet and I had to translate the word ''luonnollisesti''. Not a difficult word, huh? Despite that I wrote down ''naturligtvis'' and realized that I couldn't fall in the word ''naturally''. Crazy! So that's why I'm here talking shit, I'm trying to remember words. I guess I've been studying Swedish so hard lately that it's gotten stuck on my thoughts. I hope that'll stay since on Monday I've got the matriculation examination in Swedish. Just guess if that stresses me? Although tomorrow morning I could wake up and realize that I don't speak Swedish anymore but that should last only six hours 'cause I need that skill back then. After Monday I wouldn't even mind if that skill disappeared for good. (Just kidding, I know I'ma have to study it even more in a university...)

Talking about universities, I'm _almost_ sure about my choice! Social studies in Tampere university it'll be if everything goes as planned. God, I don't even have a clue what I would do if I didn't get in! I had better get in in that case. Oh, the spirits of good luck, please hear my wishes!

I said ''one thing'' but it became several things, sorry about that. Who am I apologizing for, no one's reading this except me in the future when I'm that bored. Let's hope that that day won't ever come. 

Well, good luck for me and all my fellow graduate candidates. Stay strong and write a kick-ass essay tomorrow!

sunnuntai 24. tammikuuta 2016

A letter

Hey you,
yes you! 
You, the cutie behind the screen.

I know why you came here.
You wanted to find out how I'm feeling
or if I'm talking about you.
Well yes, this time I'm talking to you.

Just wanted you to know that  
no matter where I am
or how big is the distance between
our lovin' hearts,
I always miss you.
I think about you all the time,
as if you had a home in my heart.
I guess you could really say that.

I don't even understand how this has happened.
Suddenly I've come to a situation
where the amount of love
feels like it's too much to handle.

You know why that is? 
I'll lighten you up:
I've never experienced anything like this,
our love.

That's why 
I'm so afraid of losing.
If you left,
you'd take a large part of me with you.
I don't have a clue 
what I'd do with myself
if you left me with a blank space in my heart.

 So I'm asking you to understand
that I'd do anything for you.
Even if it feels that I'm not thinking about you
or if you feel like 
I'm tired of you,
I promise
it's nothing like that.

I want you beside me.
You're the number one,
no matter what.

Please understand this,
I don't know any other way to tell you this.
I think of you when I wake up, when I fall asleep,
when I'm doing nothing,
when I'm doing anything.

I love you.